• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Macworld Podcast: macOS 13 features we want to see at WWDC


Apr 21, 2022
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Version 13 of the Mac operating system will make its debut at WWDC in June. And while we don’t know what Apple will reveal, we do know what we want to see. In this episode of the Macworld Podcast, it’s our wish list for macOS 13.

This is episode 789 with Jason Cross, Michael Simon and Roman Loyola.

You can read our macOS 13 wish list.

Listen to Episode 789

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This post Macworld Podcast: macOS 13 features we want to see at WWDC

was original published at “https://www.macworld.com/article/633544/macworld-podcast-macos-13-wishlist.html”

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