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Enable Windows 11’s God Mode to access all settings in one screen


Apr 25, 2022
Application 2Application 2

Windows 11

Unlike Windows 10, Windows 11 comes with a new Settings app. It uses a sidebar and breadcrumbs to help users navigate between different pages with ease, and it also includes new controls for customization, network management, power consumption, disk management, and more.

The Settings app has been significantly improved, but several Control Panel features are still missing.

Fortunately, Windows 11 still ships with the Control Panel and the File Explorer-based advanced configuration page called “God Mode”, which gives you easy access to all the advanced tools, features, and tasks.

god modegod mode

God Mode allows you to view and manage advanced management features in one place, which is better than the modern settings.

Windows 11’s God Mode supports up to 206 settings, and some settings may be missing if added. For example, a new feature that allows you to set Bing wallpapers (spotlight) as your desktop background is missing, but you will still find the link to the primary settings ‘Personalization’ in the Godmode folder.

Enable God Mode in Windows 11

To access God Mode in Windows 10, create a special shortcut folder as shown in the steps below:

Right-click anywhere on the desktop. Select the “New” option and click on “Folder”

Right click

Right click on the new folder. Rename the folder to the following command:
God mode. {ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}


Press Enter.

You can double click on this folder to open God Mode.

God Mode in Windows 11God Mode in Windows 11

Once done, you will be presented with a page similar to the screenshot above. As you can see, Windows 11’s God Mode provides a familiar experience and also restores the classic view of File Explorer.

Expanding Windows God Mode capabilities

You can further customize the options with CLSID – a unique identifier to access other settings pages directly from the desktop. As you probably know, God mode settings are assigned to different categories. CLSID allows you to move those categories to special pages.

For example, you can create a folder with CLSID “{D20EA4E1-3957-11d2-A40B-0C5020524153}” to open Administrative Tools, such as the defragmenter tool, disk format options, and more.

You can also try these values:

Network – {F02C1A0D-BE21-4350-88B0-7367FC96EF3C} Bluetooth – {28803F59-3A75-4058-995F-4EE5503B023C} Mouse Properties – {6C8EEC18-8D75-41B2-A177-8831D59D2D50} Personalization – {ED834ED6-4B5A}-4bfe – {ED834ED6-4B5A}-4bfe – Troubleshooting – {C58C4893-3BE0-4B45-ABB5-A63E4B8C8651}

This post Enable Windows 11’s God Mode to access all settings in one screen

was original published at “https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/microsoft/enable-windows-11s-god-mode-to-access-all-settings-in-one-screen/”

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